A downloadable game for Windows

Shtirlix: The Shadow Operative

In the world of espionage, there's one name that strikes fear into the hearts of enemy commanders and inspires awe among the ranks of secret agents: Shtirlix. As the world's most elusive spy, players step into the polished shoes of Shtirlix in this thrilling stealth-action game.

Mission Brief:

Shtirlix is tasked with infiltrating the fortified headquarters of a rogue state to either procure critical intelligence documents or eliminate the enemy's top commander. The choice of approach is left to the player, allowing for a dynamic gameplay experience that can change with every playthrough.

Gameplay Mechanics:

    Stealth and Strategy: Utilize shadows and cover to move undetected. Plan your moves carefully, as getting caught could mean mission failure.

    Gadgets and Gear: Employ a variety of spy gadgets, from grappling hooks to silent takedown tools, each adding a layer of depth to how missions can be approached.

    Decision Making: Choose between a lethal or non-lethal approach, with each decision affecting the game's world and how other characters interact with Shtirlix.

    Dynamic Environments: Each level is a puzzle, with multiple paths and strategies to explore. Whether it's through vents, across rooftops, or in plain sight, how you navigate is up to you.


The story unfolds through cinematic cutscenes and in-game dialogue, revealing the complex character of Shtirlix—a spy with a mysterious past and uncertain future. As the geopolitical landscape shifts, so too does the nature of Shtirlix's missions, leading players down a rabbit hole of intrigue and suspense.


"Shtirlix: The Shadow Operative" offers a compelling blend of strategy, action, and narrative, inviting players to become the ultimate spy in a world where every choice could be the difference between global stability and chaos. Will you leave a trail of bodies or a shadow of doubt? The fate of nations rests on your actions.

Published 3 days ago
StatusOn hold
GenreAction, Adventure, Simulation
Tags3D, Indie, Singleplayer, Unity


Shtirlix The Shadow Operative.rar 152 MB

Install instructions

1 Download zip

2) Run executable file Shtirlix_story.exe

3) Enjoy)

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